paper toilet

by C. A. Noel


ma says bafroom when she doesn’t say baño
¡betty good! at a mediocre drawing from art class.
abuela no espeek the english she was taught at thirty
porque no se lo quiere gastar y le cuesta mucho hablarlo1
taught me to say mudder tro-que under my breath and
start my speeches with lacies and genselsmen.
abuelo shatters the social construct of pronouns,
when referring to my brother he asks       ow chi doin?
though still, it was him who once told me
“boys have penes and girls have boginas.”
pa speaks english good, like the americans he sometimes
badmouths in spanish       his only accento a boston one,
saying fahhhk you       him and my tias all buy paper toilet
and ask if you likeded their food after you clear the plate.
my brother confused       recibo and receta2
a patient didn’t get their prescription.
i once asked my sister if she was embarazada,
she was just embarrassed       once
she told cousins in Puerto Rico that she was diecicinco.
my first girlfriend laughed cause I say bew-dul, not byur-oh3.
in french class they told me my accent sounds slavic,
but I’m puerto rican       i have trouble with my Rs

in elementary school while they were doing division
i was in a closet called ELL, dividing words into readable
components       telling the tutor
            the kite is a bove the kids play ing
            the ball is be low the sun ny sky.
once in that room me meé encima,
and left a charco de orina on the chair4

a puddle like the sea traversed
a day before the birth of whatever
language my family speaks now

and prepositions were the first words to tell me
that I was a flamboyán
among red maples5.

1 she doesn't want to waste it and it costs her a lot to speak it (Spanish)
2 receipt and prescription (Spanish)
3 a commentary on the way i pronounce bureau (Spanish)
4 I peed on myself, and left a puddle of urine on the chair (Spanish)
5 Flamboyánes are common trees in our homeland, and red maples are common trees in the new land, New England.

C.A. Noel is a Boricua. He was born, raised, and is currently residing in the Bay State. The only thing new as of late is that he’s creating more playlists. Creating playlists is like writing poetry. As of right now, he's living between the worlds of Latin Jazz, Gospel, and Maelo Rivera. He wishes anyone reading this a lot of love and bendiciones.  Twitter: @CANoel5